Feeling Positive About Your Lifestyle And Weight Loss

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Feeling Positive About Your Lifestyle And Weight Loss


Shaming someone or feeling ashamed for being obese is never helpful in achieving weight loss or a healthy lifestyle….or anything for that matter. The opposite in life is what is needed, being supported and encouraged. Motivation to live and eat better to then be able to lose weight, be healthy and feel happy is the key.

So what works to motivate someone to change their lifestyle habits and lose weight? It’s the almost $150 billion dollar question – and that figure only refers to the medical costs in the U.S. alone surrounding this issue! There is an obesity epidemic in the U.S. with diabetes as the ultimate result that is at the core.


Health agencies and practitioners have made it a main focus to find effective ways to put a halt to this epidemic. These ideas range from regulating soda size to banning chocolate milk in elementary schools.

A new study from Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity brings to light a fascinating concept…. positive emotions are really the key. Harsh anti obesity campaigns were proven to be ineffective and actually make things worse. In fact, it creates a stigma with obesity that ends up reinforcing the original problem. It is well documented that emotions such as shame, humiliation, and stress often fuel overeating and apathy.

On the other hand, people will respond to messages that suggest specific healthy lifestyles with encouragement about eating better to feel better, not just about looking better. Many experts have now found that people who commit to exercise as a routine don’t do it simply for weight loss they do it because it feels good, they notice health improvements…..and they even enjoy it! The result is eventually weight loss as a result of their positive exercise experience.

Exercise to have fun

In summary, negativity surrounding weight loss is often crushing, shaming and defeating, whereas pure optimism is very encouraging, uplifting and empowering. It’s the latter that is the solution for making healthy lifestyle changes that will last and help you achieve your health and weight goals.


So feel encouraged in the healthy changes you make and encourage others around you as well!


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